Dialing It Back

The last little while, I think I may have been training a bit too intensely, and/or with too much volume. I finished a heavy leg day on a Friday afternoon, and I couldn't do my jump workout on the following Tuesday morning. As a result I have dialed back my workout. I have dropped the total number of jumps to the 50 rep range. I have also changed up the workouts so I am doing a jump/leg workout on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and my Tuesday and Thursday workouts are upper body.

My new jump workouts start with a warm up of squats one day and deadlifts the other. Then I typically go to rack pulls (explosive). I started doing these guys with more sets using lower reps. I'll do a warm up in the 10 rep range, then start adding weight with each 2-4 rep set after that. I then go for the bulk of my 50 jumps in sets of 4-8 depth jumps, and I finish with a set of box jumps to get the last of the 50 jumps. When I'm feeling pretty good I throw in some explosive intensity kettlebell swings. The last time I did kettlebell swings I did them from a dead start; each rep was like the first of a set.

My Tuesday is a Bench focused workout, Thursday is pull ups, lat pulls, and rows. These are made up of 4 main exercises at about 3 sets using about 10RM  weight to failure, more or less, maybe. I throw in a set of triceps work on chest day, or biceps work on back day.

My Friday "heavy" leg day has been starting with explosive hex bar deadlifts with ankle extension tacked on. I have dropped a dedicated shoulder day (it was my least stressful/easiest recovery day overall). One of my wrists doesn't like cleans, so for the time I am doing push presses to address shoulders. Also utilizing shoulders are heavy kettlebell swings. I finish off with some box jumps. When I am feeling it, I do some calf raises. Most of the time I do calf raises with a straight leg. Well every time so far. I should throw in a seated calf raise every once in a while, but it doesn't really approximate the lower leg during a jump like straight leg calf raises do.

I just finished my first full week of this new set up. I haven't had a chance to see where my jump is on a basketball court lately, but I'm feeling pretty good physically. I'm working intensely for a solid workout, and I'm hitting most of the notes described in the research. I still need to do a better job with abs, stretching, and nutrition, but I feel like it is going as well as can be expected for an old guy.


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