First Status Update
I realize this might look like posting something new within 24 hours and there isn't really time to see results, but this update is weeks in the making. I originally intended to start this blog in January, shortly after conception of this idea, but life intervened when I could have started writing. My first workout of the year was on January 8th. My first leg workout was January 9th. Apart from one week that I didn't work out due to illness, I have gone to the gym at least 5 days per week to lift weights. 3 upper body days and 2 lower body days. Some weeks I got a Saturday leg workout in. Starting in February I went from just a lower body strength workout to a jump focused workout on Tuesday/Thursday. The January leg workouts had exercises that should help increase strength, but the primary goal of each leg workout wasn't jumping until February. The times I now get a Saturday workout in, I go for a workout focused on base leg strength. All that being said, I have worked...